Monday, January 13, 2025

Inventory Reduction Sale!

As my Petoskey stone jewelry is my best selling item, I have decided I need to clear out some of the other handmade jewelry items in my Etsy shop, as I want to just focus on the Petoskey jewelry. So I have put most of my shop on clearance, 40 percent off. Most items now priced less than $20!

Please help some of these pieces find new homes!

Monday, November 25, 2024

Pre-Black Friday Sale

Lots of new Petoskey stone jewelry in my Etsy shop.  Plus everything is on sale through December 3, 2024!  

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Shop (and Life) Update

It has now been over a year since I posted an update!  Unfortunately, life gets in the way sometimes.  I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer back in January of this year, and everything else has kind of been placed on hold as I have been dealing with that.  But I have found time here and there to create, and have listed a few new Petoskey stone pieces in my Etsy shop, along with a few other fun things!

Aren't these turtle beads adorable? 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Shop Update

 Wow! How is the year almost half over already!  

Haven't been creating a whole lot lately.  My son got married on May 15, so that kept me pretty busy the last few months.  But here's a few of the recent items in my Etsy shop:

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

New Year, New Jewelry

Happy New Year!  Several more new Petoskey pieces coming to my Etsy shop soon, including some pieces made from slag glass.  Slag glass, or Leland Blue Stone, is a waste product from the smelting process used in the late 1800s by the Leland Lake Superior Iron Company melting process: raw ore is heated, and the desired iron ore is separated from various natural impurities. When those impurities cool, the result is stone-like slag. (Source:

Hope to have all of these in my shop soon!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

More New Petoskey Jewelry


A Petoskey Stone consists of tightly packed, six-sided corallites, which are the skeletons of the once-living coral polyps. The dark center (or eyes) were the mouth of the coral. The lines surrounding the eyes were once tentacles which brought food into the mouth. The Petoskey Stone, like the city, was named for the Ottawa Chief Pe-to-se-ga (Rising Sun) because the stones pattern looks like the rays of the sun. When dry, the stone resembles ordinary limestone but when wet or polished using lapidary techniques, the distinctive mottled pattern of the six-sided coral fossils emerges. (Source:

All of my stones are hand picked by my boss, who has a cottage up near Petoskey, Michigan.  After sorting through, I find my favorites and polish them up!  A few of the new pieces in my Etsy shop:

Charlevoix Stone:

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Mid Summer Sale!

 I am currently running a sale in my Etsy shop, all items 15% off through Sunday, August 16, 2020.  Check it out! 

Lots of new Petoskey stone jewelry and other goodies.

And as always, free domestic shipping on all orders over $35!

A few of the new pieces: